41st Annual Rotary Fine Arts Festival

March 25th & 26th, 2023

You are cordially invited to join us on Dearborn Street in Olde Englewood Village for our 41st Annual Fine Arts Festival! Seasonal and year-round residents alike anticipate this annual event. 

Surrounded by unique shops and restaurants, shoppers stroll along pedestrian-only West Dearborn Street during the Fine Arts Festival. This year’s seasoned team of organizers is committed to presenting a successful, profitable and professional festival.  

Our promotional campaign will begin well in advance of the event and will include newspaper coverage, radio spots & live interviews, flyers and posters distributed throughout the community, print advertisements, area signage and much more! 

Ribbons and cash awards will be presented for Best in Show, 2D & 3D. Awards in other categories will also be given. Our traditional artist’s reception is planned for Saturday evening at 4:30 p.m. 

 Click here to go to Zapplication.org to register and upload artwork / booth pictures.  Zapplication will ask artists and food vendors to create a free account before taking you to the registration screen.

For more information or questions, please contact Julia Mercier via email:    [email protected]

Don’t Delay, Apply Now! 

All proceeds benefit The Englewood Youth Foundation, Inc. and other Rotary projects. 



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